Dr. Borko B. Djordjevic
Dr. Borko B Djordjevic, M.D., Ph.D., born in Belgrade, has made a notable career as a plastic surgeon in the USA, and he continues to work actively in Serbia and Montenegro. His autobiography is very interesting, exciting, and shows the dilemmas, decisions, and adaptations of a young man to life in an entirely new environment. His book points to the many possibilities for achieving optimal results in plastic surgery and life. This book will provide insights into the lesser-known details about the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the interests of big capital, and that of powerful people. This autobiographical read takes the reader to the core of American career creation. It is enriched with a large number of photographs documenting the author’s association with some of the most powerful people in the world.
“I am happy to share what I continue to learn.”
As a practicing doctor of plastic surgery as well as a professor, editor, and researcher, Dr. Borko strives to create discussions among members of the profession that will benefit patients and doctors alike.
He left his busy practice in the U.S. to work with patients in the war-torn areas of Eastern Europe. In the four years he spent in this capacity, he acquired new skills that helped lessen patient recovery time. He also taught the latest techniques and treatments to medical students and medical professionals.

“I’ve had a fabulous life because I’ve always been my own man.”
Published Articles
Djordjevic, B., Visnjic M., Jeremic M., Burie N: “Local Skin Flaps in Reconstruction of Head Defects,” I. Mediterranean Congress of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Athens, 1991.
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M., Visnjic Z.: “Reconstruction of Defects of the Eyelids,” I. Mediterranean Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Athens, 1991.
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M., Visnjic Z.: “Surgical Skin Treatment of Medial Cantus, Acta Stomatologica Naisi”
Djordjevic B., Brankovic LJ.: “Treatment of Defect Skin Coverage of the Hand,” II Scientific Simposium, Research in Medicine and Stomatology, October 1991, Acta Facultatis Med. Nassiensis, Vol. 11/1.
Djordjevic B., Buric N., Visnjic M.: “Surgical Treatment of Advanced Skin Cancer of the Scalp,” Acta Medica Medianae.
Djordjevic B.: “Augmentation Mammaplasty Experiences with Silicon Implants with Correction of Hypoplastic Breast,” Acta Medica Medianae.
Djordjevic G., Visnjic M., Visnjic Z., Burie N., Jeremic M.: “Malignant Skin Tumors of Face and Scalp – Our Experience in Reconstruction of Post-Operative Defects,” XI Congress of European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Innsbruck, 1992, 9–13.
Djordjevic B., Burie N., Todorovic Lj., Otasevic M., Visnjic B., Visnjic M.: “Antral Microflora in Patients with Oroantral Communication of Different Duration,” XI Congress of European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Insbruck, 1992, 9–13.
Djordjevic B.: “Surgical Treatment of Obesity,” II International Scientific Congress of Obesity, Cigota, Zlatibor, 1993.
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M., Buric M., Visnjic Z.: “Reconstruction of Big Skin Defects of Face and Neck,” XII Congress E.A.C.M.S., Hague, 1994.
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M., Buric N.: “Secondary Rhinoplasty,” XII Congress E.A.C.M.S., Hague, 1994
Djordjevic B., Buric N., Todorovic Lj., Visnjic B., Otasevic M., Katic V., Krasic D., Jovanovic G.: “Bacteriological and Pathological Studies in Patients with Artificially Opened Maxillary Sinus,” XII Congress E.A.C.M.S., Hague, 1994.
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M.: “Zatvaranje kutano-faringoezofagealne fistule ostrvastim pectoralis major misicno-koznim reznjem i slobodnim transplantatom koze – prikaz slucaja.”
Djordjevic B., Visnjic M.: “Rekonstrukcija donje usne slobodnim podlakticnim reznjem.”
Djordjevic B., Pantelic B., Panajotovic Lj.: “Carcinoma of the Anthethoracal Dermatoesophagus as the Late Complication of Dermatoesophagoplasty,” ISS/SIC, August, 1997.
Djordjevic B., Pantelic B., Panajotovic Lj., Kozarski J., Novakovic M.: “Surgical Treatment of Tissue Defects in War Wounds,” IPSSH/IPRAS, August 1997.
Career Accomplishments
Medical Exam Commissioner of the State of California, Board of Medical Quality Assurance, 1983-1987
Special Appointment by former President Jimmy Carter to assist the Carter Center of Atlanta, Georgia, in their efforts to further peace in the Bosnian-Yugoslavian countries
Solely responsible for bringing President Carter personally to Bosnia in December 1994 to further the peace efforts, 1994-1996